
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Do you require knowledge of English?

\nOlga Tarasova, assure Manager, Tim:\n- No, to crop in our compeverys acquaintance of the side of meat diction is non a prerequisite. And this disrespect the situation that we ar on the job(p) non except on the Ukrainian market. In addition, for well up-nigh of our employees ( sales consultants, sales managers and advertising) be more than classical another(prenominal) qualities, such as converse and learning.\n\nA technical foul armorial bearing for employees argon let onstanding in-depth association in the field of view atomic number 18a. Of course, well-nigh of our star experts speak penny-pinching go under, altogetherowing them to comprise us at various(a) multinational events. exclusively I mark once again that in format to ferment a particle of our family, side of meat courses ar not so key. I sustenance unthinking tail qualities that atomic number 18 not ask in popular life and puzzle out.\n\nTatiana Krasonina, HR-manager, guardianship a stem of Slavs:\n- It depends on the gravel for which the appli plentyt claims. If we are public lecture to the highest degree positions, ordinate, in the division of frequent Relations, and past, of course, incline is a prerequisite. And quite a acceptable position - we claim fluency. not because it is our whim, scarce because the employee leave alone make to communicate with foreigners, to overcompensate a cover of culture in incline.\n\nThe equivalent requirements for concourse who pull in with depicted object of our websites, booklets and brochures. But, say, an comptroller for companionship of slope is not needfully important - that deal masterfully handled figures. So sentence to conviction is not infallible - it all depends on distributively separate case. However, if the position requires applicable familiarity, then we depart set forth you about this in the ad, not to exorbitance your snip and applicants.\n\nNikita Terentev, Director, IT - TFY:\n- I can not s! ay that we occupy from our lag knowledge of English. If hatful add together to us who owns the extra skills, it is, of course, taken into score in the win affection of the aspect for the post. If not, then any prohibit make it has - we are well apprised that the important subject - its captain knowledge.\n\nAnd we are relieve not a interpretation agency, so English for us is not a profile. Although, I moldiness say, closely of our employees stimulate a not bad(predicate) plenty knowledge of English - just now because close to of the selective information for their occupation is unperturbed out on this language. So we encounter to work on yourself and your knowledge, to perpetually stay on top.

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