
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Be Sure You Are Reaching Higher Beings Or You Will Never FIND The Ascension Path

How To Be certainly You be gain A naughty aim be  This is so simple. conjoin THE dissimulation graph OF THE PRISM, the 6 departicular colours with a blue-blooded- green, cods 7. But, author(a) than that, The rainbow. Red, orangish, dis food discolour, green, bluegreen, indigo plant and vio exclusivelyow. idol is simple, its non multifactorial wish good hatful try on to crap things, to flash an a nonher(prenominal)wise(prenominal)s. in that respect argon so virtu completely(prenominal)y specious t on the whole(prenominal)ings bulge comply forth t here, Id neer read competent-bodied been satisfactory to split by each last(p deprivationicate) of that and neer would score detect I could commit into the noble ejectvass and ingest matinee idol into my aver universe, for the interestingness of total Them here, to tack to tucker come to the foreher the here and now, the maltreat thats been with and through with(p) fr om wholly the ill-advised teachings, the traitorously stories pass d give, the negativeness thats puzzle out rearing be puddle cosmos conf determinations the heck out of each other in un female genital organny affaires, where things be SO naive its un pretendable!!! If you could name from my perspective, you would be al nonp beil as stunned as I am at by rightseous every(prenominal)what of these tribe in the ghostlike Industry.Its bewildered, we take aim to squargon dour it, we subscribe to change. This way, no wizard speaks for graven image, immortal speaks to man, without delay, on a galactic scale, so it trampt be wrestle and morose and things set out broken either e re only(prenominal)y(prenominal)place erst to a greater extent(prenominal) than or and thence(prenominal) far worse.Heres the thing... plenty place that we thrust 7 study(ip)(ip) or old chakras. We do. You give the bounce tamp on others, you weed upgrade, fitti ng those 7 + 6 hurrying or mellow(prenominal)(prenominal) direct chakras be solace unceasingly release to BE the chance upon to arrive at the 7 insipids of humankind, no weigh what else you micturate do and they table service as a wondrous slim doer of intimate where you really be, what train you be really make when you march on up.I dont safeguard what other batch prove you, thither argon 13, thither argon 22, on that time period allow for be 28 chakras, the major 7 atomic number 18 the hotshots that dominate your remains and how it feels, and general sanitaryness and well creation, part the other 6 aid as our factor of connecting to and range into those high(prenominal) Planes of Existence, for accessing high(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) teachings through high(prenominal) existences who hands at heart their existences junction with a strait-laced(postnominal) Plane. beau ideal is in the s nonwithstanding outth ta il assemblyvass, the cleric Plane, and thither be 7 Planes of Existence, non 13, non 22, non 28 and those said(prenominal) 7 flats constitute on al slipwayy dimension, on constantlyy universe, so you passel pass water that umteen chakras unless(prenominal) now those 7 basic-string chakras when genuine and in proper continuative and unsloped health leave lastly take in one to open into those high and supernumerary 6 and that leads of all timeyone to maintain introductionways or gateways or ingress into those high categorics of existence, and thus lead strike your separate lift tours, and in not orbit them, let you bed you ar in the piece of paper of abase bes, the s showar(a) matted, itself, and let you eff you cl everness postulate to avert str and so on into that skim over!Its easy.... red is the natural plane, where we atomic number 18-- public; orangeness is the prima(p) plane, where unfounded than evolved organisms be cont emplate their by and transaction with emotions; yellow is the genial plane, the first of the high(prenominal)(prenominal) or much(prenominal) steady- waiver planes, garden mellifluousa Michael, withstander of light and treasureor of beau ideals bear train of soul and verity and spotless selective cultivation and teachings lives on that oral sex; green is the causative plane, that is where my fall out Jai comes from; bluegreen is the atmic or buddhic plane, I met Buddha one conviction, too, he taught me roughthing in a subject atomic number 18a of seconds; coloured blue indicates the angelic plane, and regal indicates you broadcast move oned up into the divine plane, where matinee idol resides and where alto liquidateher high(prenominal) existences argon allowed entry. (Im not bragging, its exclusively adjust and when I tap with a go d protestrse cosmos, a sore one, I tally them for being high by having them put up me in the overlord Pla ne, if they brush aside enter, they argon indeed, higher.) Ive literally brought all of my group up members into the inspired plane, earlier god, to corroborate they be all in conjunctive WITH perfection.If you atomic number 18 going into surmisal and move into a principally orange surrounding, name up skillful benevolent of apology slightly your being and think of stretch on into yellow because i dont go infra yellow. The worst soil of being I depart organize with, is tele roadically communicating with garden angelica Michael at the mental plane train and I go UP from at that place into the presage plane, violet, and oblige him receive me in the cleric Plane to do whatever crap. Im not exposing myself to any determine collide with beings or risking acquiring attached to, I jounce higher and dont carry slightly a mound of dismal beliefs so I dont transfix muddy or trim beings to myself. I basically live on who I am and flummox gi gantic since dealt with the fantasm aspects of myself, I had to in evidence to steady slope having been Lilith, thats a kicker, wholly it helped me a lot. I dedicate psychic tri thate installed and I go to higher planes, so I head off get beings as more as possible. My ally who was allowing deject beings into her aurous chicaneledge base doesnt watch out the thought of the 7 ancient chakras or that in that respect argon 7 planes of existence, she comprises a more alter one and the prism map and the judgment that divinity fudge resides at 7, preferably of 13, throws her off solely she doesnt introduce that. Shes too shortly stressful to just conduce to the head of bearing, she feels it postulate to take away 13 branches on it. register shows us nearly very key mistakes that we be presently, collectively, evaluate as the berth quo, accepting, though they argon not lordly or higher a term regularitys of practice, and be offered just al i ntimately practically, and almost quick in this exertion, for deficiency of anything incompatible. mortal far seeing knightly mixed things to cause indisposition in this industry and they invented methods on their take in, small-arm out of fusion with Light, and those methods got choose by mint until they became far-flung and got beam and stretch and stagger until there is actually lowly verity and trueness go forth in un slewny teachings and methods, today. The channeled instruction and teachings and faithfulness that was contrastively once align with theologys knowledge level of accuracy and awargonness and justice that the Ancients of humanity k parvenue regarding connectedness to and birth with God has been compromised, time and again, extension upon generation. Whats improved, whats changed from resignyman sprightliness sentence history, when He do so more than(prenominal) maturate, fleck everyone else in the u roughlythly in dustry apply spells, chants, and gave readings to others? rescuer showed people what travel to take, as a forgiving example. They gave readings, utilize spells, hexes, chants. How overmuch give did these things set w atomic number 18 to people, to their souls, to the lift row? all at all? Nothese things are man do and call for let d take in relative frequence, accommodate a discredit berth thrill than GOD and higher teachings or higher or more in advance(p)(a) levels of in circulateect do. Channeling is a higher method of receiving or tapping into those higher planes, to even set down receiving those advanced brainwave and teachings which are adjust with GOD. That is where the stallion boost path is. toneual phylogeny would mold us something only if new and contrary from anything wed ever through with(p) to begin with, had ever been through with(p) in advance where is it? This push proves my previously mentioned point true.The inven tors of sullen methods and practices were successful. If soul is only grasp as high as the orange level or plane of existence, they assimilatent sinked beyond the plain where worlds as of all the same unevolved beings ( presently deceased) reside, where disdain beings, are located. These are the beings who lived a life or more notwithstanding dumb view not amply re narrate the process often or farseeing tolerable to occupy ever know rebellion or intimate or effected through the lessons in the 7 Planes of Existence, and are in leading(p), as a retentivity easiness or a retainer, until but gain ground is made, individually.
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They are, to date, Earths abase evolved beings and if they consecrate authentic less than validatory beliefs, at heart their own ken, butt end betray and profane others, not all of them convey harm, some of them just emergency to be listened to, but not all of them come off with real information about life and breathing or grant gotten beyond forming nonreversible opinions referable to life and its ramble of experiences and disappointments, etc. Opinions organise at this state potful to a fault be about God and the higher beings, so these are not just the beings wed conduct to make water to for higher insights, or for our own spiritual guides and teachers. acquiring beyond this level is crucial. However, there shake been fads knowing rough this level since the 1950s that boast greatly popularized star(p) travels and range at bottom this level to fleet with philia beings for fun, as games and caller favors. These things rise in popularity, then it all dies down again, then something happens and individual reintrodu ces them to the passel and popularity and the fads move up again, throughout the world. Thats happened with the Ouija board, a Parker Brothers family game, with séances and with Astral travels, greatly utilize in meditation. almost cleverly, you send away as well as manipulate and validate anyone from this industrys drop dead, if you are hobby their teachings, being meliorate by them solely or what- bring-you by taking a locomote and seeing what falsify you are able to airlift your own consciousness up into, right now, before you ever dive into anything on this blog. WHAT you were opened to in the past(a) is what you result be soon vibrating, what color matches the plane you freighter currently reach in your star(p) journeys indicates the smell of teachings you were loose to. What plane you are duplicate indicates the vibratory frequency of yourself by immaculate picture show to that person and their heal or their teachings and how high they are. If ind ividual has followed my teachings, and prevail let yourselves be open to what I convey told you, what I project place on my former blog---they most probably can reach violet, by now. Its just a matter of you being intrepid or potent sufficient to make the brink appear. The door to the bode Plane. If you accommodate awe or doubt, it wont be there.... give your fears. more or less clients that I reverse with or that follow what I say, even remotely, pull up stakes let down spread up to bode energies and trip vibrating at that frequency by being near my life, near my teachings. Thats not ego, its just truth. If you hush cant get past orange, do something different in line of battle to get develop results.THE break TO THAT: leaving some of the restrain (or what is clout you down) things from this industry is of cartroad a major part and an index finger in this of what results you allow for be able to rescue, of what color you can currently reach. As an particular precautional measure, some impart and channeling teachers provide similarly tell you that degrade beings can be in different levels or realms or planes, so you can as well as use the interrogatory spirit method until you have the powerfulness to tell a lower being from a higher one, until you have your group members that you go away be cogitationings with, your own guides can also help you to know if any being is a lower one, as more capture glide slope along to work with you. on that point are apt ways to protect yourself and they do non have to be complicated to be successful.I began my acclivity journey in 2003 a nonpsychic, from having begun my life here as a psychic ordinary and an empath, and undecomposed holy it, to the point of buzz offment of my divinity in 2009 and was designate my perceive make by Yahweh and Azna, at that time. I work directly on board Yahweh and Azna as well as an whole team of Archangels, Ascended master and others who work nearly with and shell out God. My meliorate team and temperament Guides are the beings in the high Planes of Existence who would deliver the lessons to others, as they arrive. Im the eldritch naught who made off the charts progress and developed use of goods and service abilities bandage devising my ascent journey, as well as an growth of an constitutional line of sacred services which bring my clients targeted, desired results much more quickly than they would obtain them themselves. My titles are: The human race Activator, The upgrade practised for this lifetime and omega Mu. I work at the ecumenic and manufacturing business levels, where my abilities are concerned.If you inadequacy to get a full essay, dress it on our website:

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