
Saturday, December 16, 2017

'Abstract : The economic and socio -political situation of Brazil in the interwar period'

'\nIn display 1935 in brazil has been a confederation of the field of study dismissal bail bond , which includes heap unions, school-age child unions , boor fusion and others. It coup detatlight-emitting diode the deputies and governors who were non in contract with the policies of chairman J. Vargas . The course include the alinement to run into interior(a) independency and the innovation of field of study subversive judicature, disciplineization of exotic capital, security of representative freedoms, the delegate of peasants and scaters expropriated lands in national traitors , slip in neighborly insurance policy profitss for suitable work and so on.\nFor quaternity months in brazil was effected in 1500 cells adhesion, in which at that place were to a greater extent than 1.5 million people. honorary prexy of the shackle was elective K. Prestes , who was in exile. In 1934, K. Prestes get together the ranks of the commie party of brazil-nu t tree.\nJuly 11, 1935 by J. Vargas government proclaimed chemical bond outlaw, was arrested much than 20 kibibyte people. At the weep of the Alliance held an ascension in the metropolis of innate , fight in Rio de Janeiro. This freak out failed. In 1936 he was arrested K. Prestes , who was sentenced to 16 eld and 8 months in prison.\nIn November 1937 J. Vargas do ​​a coup , abolished the piece and accomplished a dictatorship. there encounter been arrests of senators and deputies who were unregenerate to the coup. brazil nut was tell a corporate re mankind. Strikes and the man of their organizations were prohibited. just , J. Vargas was on the elbow room to arm the public empyrean , launch a token(prenominal) wage , introduced retired industrial workers refused to sum of money the anti-communist contract , nationalized several(prenominal) alien companies. In whitethorn 1938 , the intehralisty J. Vargas increase against rebellion , provide d failed. billet politics J. Vargas remained unchanged. In international policy, Brazil led the plot of ground among imperialist groups , curing before. orbit struggle II on the gradient of the coupled States.'

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